San Francisco, CA

Services and Delivery

Near Shore

Launching a new services company from near shore Mexico that will focus on application modernization and data science transformation on a multi cloud platform.  Focus on Microservices, containerization, monitoring, auditing, logging to ensure a smooth cloud ecosystem for customers.

The need for business agility in this rapidly changing world needs no introduction. From Go-to-market strategies demanding frequent software releases to hotfixes, the ability to deliver on cue adds a significant advantage to businesses. Have you had performance problems in your monolith application?

Microservices and Container Architectures have evolved over the last decade to address this, among other needs. These feature a modular structure of sub-services and components that ensure greater control over changes, making scalability and deployment simpler.

Companies today are more enabled to only for resources they use on the cloud leveraging their legacy applications and how to modernize them for various cloud providers such as AWS, Azure and GCP.  This has enabled the industry to look at highly competitive market with reduced cost and preventing a high spend on on-premise data centers.


“To provide quality professional solutions nearshore Mexico”.​

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